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This comparison of the performance of aspheric, achromatic, and spherical PCX lenses in different situations reveals the ideal use cases for each type of lens.
Modifying Stock Optics Tip #4: Add A Coating To A Stock Lens
Join Andrew Fisher, Manufacturing R&D Engineer at Edmund Optics, as he discusses some tips for modifying stock optical components to fit your application's needs.
Computer Generated Hologram metrology provides a new solution for overcoming traditional asphere metrology. Learn more about CGH metrology at Edmund Optics.
Are all aspheric lenses from Edmund Optics® polished using magnetorheological finishing (MRF)?
No, advances in subaperture polishing have allowed for the fabrication of aspheres with surface figure error down to λ/20 (0.25µm). However, MRF is still...
What are the challenges associated with increasing the diameter of optics like aspheric lenses?
The CNC polishing equipment used to fabricate the optics must have a large enough range of motion to properly polish the full asphere, and the weight of the...
CNC polished aspheric lenses offer high numerical apertures while creating diffraction-limited spot sizes and are ideal for high-precision applications.
Deviations in surface form relative to an ideal shape at higher spatial frequencies than Zernike polynomial aberrations but lower frequencies than roughness.
Meta description: Ideal for volume applications, including laser diode collimation, bar code scanners, and optical data storage. Can be molded into diameters as small as 1mm.
Polarization Directed Flat Lenses, which are formed with polymerized liquid crystal thin-film, create a focal length that is dependent on polarization state.
Aspherized Achromatic Lenses, exclusive to Edmund Optics, are doublet lenses consisting of two cemented optical elements that are matched for their color-correction ability and small RMS spot size.
Modifying Stock Optics Tip #3: Turn A Sphere Into An Asphere
Join Andrew Fisher, Manufacturing R&D Engineer at Edmund Optics, as he discusses some tips for modifying stock optical components to fit your application's needs.
What are the advantages of increasing lens diameter in high-power optical systems?
Increasing the diameter of optical components reduces power or energy density in a system, reducing the likelihood of laser-induced damage in high-power...
A Guide to (Not Over) Specifying Losses in Laser Optics
Overspecifying optical losses in laser systems will not further improve your performance or reliability, but it could cost you additional money and/or time.
The diffraction pattern caused when light passes through an aperture is called the Airy Disk. Find out how the Airy Disk can impact your image at Edmund Optics.
Although a common misconception, individual optical lenses do not always form an image when the object plane is placed a focal length away from the lens.
Laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) of optics is a statistical value influenced by defect density, the testing method, and fluctuations in the laser.
Not all optical components are tested for laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) and testing methods differ, resulting in different types of LIDT specifications.
Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.
Do you need to integrate optical components into a laser system? Make sure you consider laser damage threshold before you do! Find out more at Edmund Optics.
Laser Polarization: The Importance of Polarization in Laser Applications
Understanding the polarization of laser light is critical for many applications, as polarization impacts reflectance, focusing the beam, and other key behaviors.
Laser Optics Lab:Specifications for Selecting a Laser
When determining which laser to use for your application, consider the following specifications: wavelength, coherence length, beam divergence, and Rayleigh range.
LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 4: Lasers & Optics with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith
Learn about trends in laser applications including increasing powers and decreasing pulse durations in this conversation with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith.
LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 8: Laser Magic! with Angi Compatangelo
From tattoo removal to diagnosing cancer, lasers can transform our lives in countless ways. Join our conversation about laser in skin care and diagnostics.
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