#89-851 Pixelink μScope Professional Microscopy Software | |
Software Specifications | μScope Pro |
PixeLINK® API Control | |
Line Profiling: Single, Multiple, Parallel and Polyline Commands Provide Gray/Red/Green/Blue Intensity Values for Specific Lines within an Image. The Profile Data of Each Pixel on the Line Can Be Exported to Microsoft® Excel®. | |
Multiple Image File Formats: jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, bmp, gif, pcx, tga, mpg, mpeg, avi, mov, img, rpt, txt | |
Overlay: Crosshair, Grid Mask, Image, Marker | |
Image: Mode Change, Clone, Crop, ROI, Resize, Rotate | |
Zoom Control: 100 - 1600% and Fit to Window Options | |
Annotation: Line, Arrow, Polyline, Spline, Rectangle, Ellipse, Text | |
Image Sequence Control | |
Image Editing: Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Paste New, Delete, Delete All, Annotate, Image Information | |
Multiple Window Configurations | |
Export to Excel®: Images with Measurement, Calibration, Annotations, Measurement Data, Statistics, and Chart | |
Measurement Parameters: Area, Max Length, Line Length, Center x and y, Angle | |
Live Measurement and Overlay: Perform Measurements on the Live Preview Image, Using the Crosshair or Grid Masks to Center and Count. The Grid Masks include Calibration Data. | |
Dynamic User Interface | |
Manual Calibration | |
Report Generator: Create, Insert Images and OLE Objects | |
Manual Measurement Tools: 3-Point Circle Functionality, npoint Circle Measurement Functionality, Parallel Line Distance Measurement, Perpendicular Distance Measurement and Object Distance Measurement, Zoom-In Window | |
Time Lapse Capture and Movie File Production with Crosshair on Live Preview | |
Calibration Marker (Scale Bar) Can Be Placed on the Live Preview Image and Burned in Automatically | |
Multiple ROI: Shapes and Copy, Paste, Crop ROI | |
Image Processing: manual brightness, contrast, gamma, background subtraction, histogram, clone, crop, ROI, resize, rotate, split, image mode change, grayscale, RGB, HSB, YUV pseudo color view | |
Auto and Semi-Auto Calibration | |
Profile: Straight line, Polyline, Parallel Line, Select and Change | |
Image Stitching | |
Z-axis Extended Focus Imaging with Displacement Compensation | |
3D Visualization to Clearly View Complex Structures | |
Auto Trace Using Automatic Edge Detection | |
Fluorescent Image Composition | |
Fast and Perfect Focus Enhancement | |
Shading Correction | |
Reflected Light Subtraction |
Pixelink® USB3.0出力カメラは、バイオメトリクスから監視用に至るアプリケーションに対して、高解像かつ高速なソリューションを提供します。Pixelink® USB3.0出力カメラは、20メガピクセルまでの解像度に、170fpsまでのフレームレート、そして電源供給と高データスループットを実現するUSB 3.0に対応しています。ライトアングル仕様にも、トリガー入力を可能にするGPIOを装備し、システムインテグレーションを容易にします。1/2.3型から1.1型までのセンサーサイズに対応したこのUSB 3.0カメラは、溶接やPCBの検査やフラットパネルディスプレイの検査に最適です。
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