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Confocal microscopy provides high resolution, elimination of out-of-focus glare due to spatial filtering, and reduction of light-induced damage to the sample.
Do stock filters not meet your bandwidth or CWL requirements? Learn how custom bandpass filters are created using short or longpass filters at Edmund Optics.
Want to know more about fluorophores and optical filters for fluorescence microscopy? Find out more information and in stock optical filters at Edmund Optics.
While working with machine vision, there are different types of filters that can be used to alter the image. Find out about the different types at Edmund Optics.
Nick Sischka explains why color consideration and illumination are so important for machine vision in this hands-on demonstration from the Edmund Optics 2021 Imaging Innovation Summit.
Basic Principles of Raman Scattering and Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a technique used to identify the chemical composition of samples based on how light scatters off of them. Learn more & view related optics
A protective plastic coating protects a variety of our flat optics, such as optical windows, optical mirrors, and beamsplitters, from scratches during shipping.
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