TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® ブランドの製品は、エドモンド・オプティクスによってデザイン、規格化、あるいは製造されます。もっと詳しく

TS C シリーズ VIS-NIR 固定焦点レンズ 3.5mm

3.5mm C Series VIS-NIR Fixed Focal Length Lens, #39-937

商品コード #39-937 お問い合わせ
Quantity Selector - Use the plus and minus buttons to adjust the quantity. +
数量 1+
全長 (mm):
水平方向実視野 @ 1/2型センサー:
34.1mm - 94.1°
M105 x 1.00 (Male)
最大直径 (mm):
外径 (mm):
自重 (g):
水平方向実視野 @ 1/3型センサー:
23.0mm - 74.4°
像側最大繰り出し量 (mm):
最大イメージサークル (mm):
開口数 NA, 物体側:
水平方向実視野 @ 最大センサー:
41.2mm - 102.4°
素子の枚数 (群数):
8 (7)
Length includes protruding front element
水平方向実視野 @ 1/1.8型センサー:
41.2mm - 102.8°
M50 x 0.5 (Male)
水平方向実視野 @ 1/2.5型センサー:
29.5mm - 87.2°
Fixed Focal Length Lens
焦点距離 FL (mm):
光学倍率 PMAG:
作動距離 (mm):
0 - ∞
絞り範囲 (Fナンバー):
f/2 - f/11
425 - 1000nm BBAR
425 - 1000nm BBAR
入射瞳位置 (mm):
水平方向実視野 @ 1/4型センサー:
16.3mm - 57.4°
物空間側主平面 (mm):
像空間側主平面 (mm):
実視野 @ 最大センサーフォーマット:
Horizontal: 41.2mm - 102.4°
Vertical: 26.8mm - 82.3°
Diagonal: 63.6mm - 117°
最大ディストーション (%):
射出瞳位置 (mm):
Compact Lens Coated for Visible to Near Infared
保管温度 (°C):
-20 to +60 For questions regarding operating temperature please contact our support team


RoHS 2011/65:


  • 最大2/3型までに対応したCマウントレンズ
  • 7.5 メガピクセル (2.8µmのピクセルサイズ) までに対応
  • 425-1000nmの波長域に対応するCompactな広帯域レンズ
  • 3.5mm から 100mm までの焦点距離

TECHSPEC® C シリーズ VIS-NIR 固定焦点レンズは、近赤外域、或いは可視~近赤外域での性能が求められるマシンビジョンアプリケーションでの使用向けに、またFAや検査用途に用いられる作動距離や解像力要件を念頭にデザインされています。低Fナンバー設計と1000nmまでの波長に機能する広帯域マルチARコーティング (BBARコーティング) を採用しており、周囲の照明環境に最も制限がある場合にも用いることができます。どのレンズも設計公差を厳しくして製造するため、高次元な画像性能と、レンズ個体差間のバラツキの低減を実現します。複数のシステムへの単純な導入の際も確実です。高光学性能と産業用向け装備、そして小型パッケージサイズを融合したC シリーズ VIS-NIR 固定焦点レンズは、FA用レンズにおける新たなスタンダードと言えます。

可視域用広帯域AR (BBAR) or SWIR コーティング付きもラインナップしています。

補足: IR撮像のみを行う場合は、#65-796 IR パスフィルター (UV~VISはカット) をレンズが持つM25.5 x 0.5のフィルターマウントに直接ねじ込みます。

#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Distortion Plot
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Distortion Plot
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, DistortionPlot (NIR)
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, DistortionPlot (NIR)
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Relative Illumination Plot
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Relative Illumination Plot
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Relative Illumination Plot (NIR)
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Relative Illumination Plot (NIR)
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Working Distance versus Field of View Plot
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Working Distance versus Field of View Plot
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 75mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f2.8
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot, 150mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f4
#39-937, 3.5mm C VIS-NIR Series Fixed Focal Length Lens, Depth of Field Plot (NIR), 150mm Working Distance, f4


焦点距離 A B C D
16mm 33.0mm 40.5mm 33.0mm 1.0mm
25mm 31.0mm 30.5mm 31.0mm 1.3mm
35mm 33.0mm 41.0mm 33.0mm 0mm
50mm 35.8mm 53.7mm 35.8mm 2.85mm
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