TECHSPEC® 超薄板合成石英製ウインドウは、低熱膨張、優れた耐薬品性、UV透光性をはじめとする合成石英のメリットを標準的な合成石英製ウインドウの1/5以下の厚みで提供します。本ウインドウは、従来のカバーガラスとは異なり、一貫した透過波面精度を提供するために光学研磨され、OEMアプリケーションに有益にします。その極めて薄いデザインは、重量やサイズの両方に敏感なアプリケーション、とりわけUVからNIRまでの広帯域透過を必要とするアプリケーションに最適にします。TECHSPEC 超薄板合成石英製ウインドウは、携帯型医療機器、ウェアラブル技術、ポータブルUVライトに最適です。
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick, uncoated fused silica window across the UV - NIR spectra. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with MgF2 (400-700nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Ravg ≤ 1.75% @ 400 - 700nm (N-BK7) Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with UV-AR (250-425nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Rabs ≤ 1.0% @ 250 - 425nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with UV-VIS (250-700nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Rabs ≤ 1.0% @ 350 - 450nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with VIS-EXT (350-700nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 350 - 700nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with VIS-NIR (400-1000nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 880nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with VIS 0° (425-675nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Ravg ≤ 0.4% @ 425 - 675nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with YAG-BBAR (500-1100nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 532nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with NIR I (600 - 1050nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 600 - 1050nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick fused silica window with NIR II (750 - 1550nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Rabs ≤ 1.5% @ 750 - 800nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
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Copyright 2023, エドモンド・オプティクス・ジャパン株式会社
[東京オフィス] 〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-24 パシフィックスクエア千石 4F
[秋田工場] 〒012-0801 秋田県湯沢市岩崎字壇ノ上3番地