Join us for a joint discussion with TOPTICA Photonics about how to protect your laser system from damage using optical isolators and coatings designed for high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT). The drive towards higher-power lasers makes these considerations more important than ever before.
We invite you to join this 45-minute webinar presented by Dr. Adam Heiniger, Optical Isolator Product Manager and Ultrafast Applications Scientist at TOPTICA Photonics, and Dr. Sara Castillo, Laser Optics Specialist at Edmund Optics. At the end of this webinar, participants will have a strong understanding of:
Dr. Adam Heiniger is the Optical Isolator and Optical Parametric Oscillator Product Manager, and Ultrafast Applications Scientist, at TOPTICA Photonics. In addition to optical isolators, he has expertise in silicon photonic devices, high power ultrafast fiber amplifiers, and nonlinear optics. He is the author of two patents and several publications. Adam holds a PhD in optics from the University of Rochester and a B.S in physics and mathematics from the University of Iowa.
Dr. Sara Castillo, Laser Optics Specialist at Edmund Optics. She guides customers through choosing the correct optical components for their laser systems. Almost five years as a sales and applications engineer gave Sara experience working with optical system integrators on a wide variety of applications. Sara holds a PhD from University College Dublin, a Master's Degree in nano- and micro-electromechanical systems from the Università di Trento, and a B.S in physics from the Universidad de Salamanca.
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