A type of drive mechanism for rotary stages in which angular rotation is controlled by three knobs. The release knob disengages the shaft from the drive, freeing the stage to be rotated by hand to a desired location. The release knob is then tightened to re-engage the drive mechanism and transfer control to the adjustment knob which, when rotated, produces precise angular positioning of the shaft and stage top.
もしくは 現地オフィス一覧をご覧ください
Copyright 2023, エドモンド・オプティクス・ジャパン株式会社
[東京オフィス] 〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-24 パシフィックスクエア千石 4F
[秋田工場] 〒012-0801 秋田県湯沢市岩崎字壇ノ上3番地