There are 3 possible solutions to maximize the amount of light when coupling light from a LED to a fiber. First, using Infinity Corrected Microscope Objectives in retro position; this works well but is by far the most expensive solution. Second, we offer Fiber Optic Collimator/ Focuser Assemblies, available with an SMA or FC connector for VIS, VIS-NIR and IR wavelengths. You can achieve spot sizes of a few microns. This product offers the best value for its price. Last, but not least, are Ball Lenses; these are the least expensive solution. When coupling light from a LED into a fiber, the choice of ball lens is dependent on the Numerical Aperture (NA) of the fiber and the LED’s spot diameter. The LED’s spot diameter is used to determine the NA of the ball lens. The NA of the ball lens must be less than or equal to the NA of the fiber in order to couple all light into the fiber. The tricky thing with ball lenses is alignment. View Understanding Ball Lenses for additional information and useful equations.
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