The Optical Fibers that we sell curl back upon themselves because they are stored, typically for long periods of time, in spools which force the fibers to retain a curved shape. The best way to “uncurl” these fibers is to lay them out straight and use a heat gun to heat up the fibers, and then let them cool in a straight shape. Most fibers, such as the ones that we carry, will retain their straight shape for quite some time afterward.
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Copyright 2023, エドモンド・オプティクス・ジャパン株式会社
[東京オフィス] 〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-24 パシフィックスクエア千石 4F
[秋田工場] 〒012-0801 秋田県湯沢市岩崎字壇ノ上3番地