Unless specifically labeled as "modulated", our laser diode modules are continuous wave (CW) and cannot be modulated due to an internal feedback loop that reads the laser as "on" for a frequency higher than 40 Hz. Since this is rather slow, it doesn't make modulation practical. Modulated units are specifically designed for faster "on-off" applications. For specific available modulation frequency ranges, please review our various series of Modulatable Laser Diode Modules.
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Copyright 2023, エドモンド・オプティクス・ジャパン株式会社
[東京オフィス] 〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-24 パシフィックスクエア千石 4F
[秋田工場] 〒012-0801 秋田県湯沢市岩崎字壇ノ上3番地