Have an application in a demanding environment? Learn about the different types of ruggedization: industrial, ingress protection, and stability at Edmund Optics.
Athermalization ruggedization is done to maintain imaging performance through significant temperature swings, which is ideal for applications like aerospace.
In imaging, light rays are mapped from an object onto an imaging sensor by an imaging lens, to reproduce the characteristics and likeness of the object for the purposes of inspection, sorting, or analysis.
Want to know more about the Modular Transfer Function? Learn about the components, understanding, importance, and characterization of MTF at Edmund Optics.
The diffraction pattern caused when light passes through an aperture is called the Airy Disk. Find out how the Airy Disk can impact your image at Edmund Optics.
In order to understand vignetting, it is important to understand sensor sizes, formats, and roll-off and relative illumination. Find out more at Edmund Optics.
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