Do you need to add linear translation to an optical cage system? Find step by step instructions for incorporating a linear translation assembly at Edmund Optics.
A Kinematic mount is classified by all degrees of freedom being fully constrained. Need a mount? Browse through the different variations at Edmund Optics.
Liquid lenses have many features, are small in size, and adjust focus quickly to adapt to objects located at various working distances. Learn more at Edmund Optics.
Sliding focusing mechanisms for laser beam expanders cause less beam wander than rotating focusing mechanisms, but they use more complex mechanics and are typically more expensive.
The TECHSPEC cage system components kit allows you to create a simple or base of a system. Find out more about the contents of the kit at Edmund Optics.
Are you looking to simplify the assembly of a digital video microscope? Find out how a TECHSPEC Optical Cage System allows for quick build at Edmund Optics.
Have an application in a demanding environment? Learn about the different types of ruggedization: industrial, ingress protection, and stability at Edmund Optics.
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