
Z-Laser ZX20 可変フォーカス マシンビジョン用レーザーダイオードモジュール

Z-Laser ZX20 レーザーダイオードモジュール (バイオレット)

Z-Laser ZX20 レーザーダイオードモジュール (バイオレット) Z-Laser ZX20 レーザーダイオードモジュール (ブルー) Z-Laser ZX20 レーザーダイオードモジュール (グリーン) Z-Laser ZX20 レーザーダイオードモジュール (レッド) +2
  • 20° から 90°までのライン放射角で均一強度分布
  • IP67 等級のステンレス製ハウジング
  • バイオレット, ブルー, グリーン, レッドの波長をラインナップ


Power Supply:#24-361
M12 Cable: #64-836
自重 (g):
ハウジング長 (mm):
ハウジング径 (mm):
ポインティング精度 (mrad):
100mm to Collimation
出力安定性 (%):
ポインティング安定性 (μrad/°C):
変調周波数 (kHz):
Free Space
5 pins, M12
動作温度 (°C):
-10 to +50
保管温度 (°C):
-40 to +85
 波長 (nm)   出力 (mW)   放射角 (°)   スタイル   比較する   商品コード   価格 (税別)  カートに入れる
405.00 30 30.00 Homogeneous Line (Fine Line) #19-424 ¥183,600 数量 10+ ¥165,250   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
405.00 160 20.00 Homogeneous Line #19-425 ¥242,500 数量 10+ ¥218,250   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
450.00 20 45.00 Homogeneous Line #19-426 ¥165,800 数量 10+ ¥149,200   見積依頼する  
  • お問い合わせ
450.00 60 30.00 Homogeneous Line #19-427 ¥174,000 数量 10+ ¥156,600   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
450.00 60 60.00 Homogeneous Line #19-428 ¥174,000 数量 10+ ¥156,600   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
520.00 20 45.00 Homogeneous Line #19-429 ¥154,850 数量 10+ ¥139,350   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
640.00 5 45.00 Homogeneous Line #19-430 ¥108,250 数量 10+ ¥97,450   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
640.00 30 45.00 Homogeneous Line (Fine Line) #19-431 ¥145,950 数量 10+ ¥131,350   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
640.00 30 75.00 Homogeneous Line #19-432 ¥145,950 数量 10+ ¥131,350   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
660.00 25 45.00 Homogeneous Line #19-433 ¥145,950 数量 10+ ¥131,350   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
660.00 100 30.00 Homogeneous Line #19-434 ¥184,950 数量 10+ ¥166,500   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
660.00 100 45.00 Homogeneous Line #19-435 ¥184,950 数量 10+ ¥166,500   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
660.00 100 60.00 Homogeneous Line #19-436 ¥184,950 数量 10+ ¥166,500   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日
660.00 100 90.00 Homogeneous Line #19-437 ¥184,950 数量 10+ ¥166,500   見積依頼する  
  • 5-7営業日

Z-Laser ZX20 可変フォーカス マシンビジョン用レーザーダイオードモジュールは、要求の厳しい画像処理アプリケーション用に405 – 660nmの波長で均一強度分布のラインを出射します。IP67等級のステンレス製ハウジングは、衝撃や振動に強く、過酷な産業環境においての本レーザーモジュールの使用を可能にします。Z-Laser ZX20 可変フォーカス マシンビジョン用レーザーダイオードモジュールは、追加の工具を使わずにピントを手動で合わせることができ、マシンビジョンや3D計測、位置取りや三角測量のアプリケーションにおける計測やアライメントでの使用に最適にします。その他の装備に、カメラ同期用の400kHz TTL変調、出力パワー調整用のアナログ変調、温度やレーザー使用量および故障コードを監視するためのシリアルインターフェースがあります。

補足: システム実装を容易にするM12コネクター付きケーブル #64-836 の使用を推奨いたします。

赤色の波長 (640nmと660nm) は、大抵のカメラセンサーの量子効率がこの波長域に最適化されているため、マシンビジョンアプリケーションに最も広く用いられます。バイオレット (405nm)、ブルー (450nm)、グリーン (520nm) は、半透明な表面や、研磨された金属やはんだ接合部などの反射率の高い表面で最も一般的に用いられます。 またこうした波長は、溶解した鉄鋼などの光る材料に視覚的コントラストを作り出すのに用いることもできます。

タイトル 比較する商品コード  価格 (税別) カートに入れる
二軸傾斜機能付きヒートシンク #83-768 ¥56,200   見積依頼する
  • 5-7営業日
あおり機能付きアルミ製マウント #64-834 ¥7,550   見積依頼する
  • 5-7営業日
アーティキュレイト·マウントブラケット #63-882 ¥51,400   見積依頼する
  • お問い合わせ
M12コネクター付きバラ線ケーブル 2m長 #64-836 ¥4,000   見積依頼する
  • お問い合わせ
9V ユニバーサル ACアダプター #24-361 ¥10,300   見積依頼する
  • 5-7営業日

レーザーコンポーネントにおけるレーザー誘起損傷閾値 (LIDT) の理解と規定

レーザーコンポーネントにおけるレーザー誘起損傷閾値 (LIDT) の理解と規定について。各ビームにおけるレーザー強度、様々な損傷メカニズムについて。




Many lasers are assumed to have a Gaussian profile, and understanding Gaussian beam propagation is crucial for predicting real-world performance of lasers.



Understanding the most common laser sources, modes of operation, and gain media provides the context for selecting the proper laser for your specific application.


Understanding Lasers and How They're Used Every Day

Watch this video to learn all about lasers, what makes them special compared to other light sources, and how they impact our lives


Can a laser beam be seen from the side?

What factors are involved in how well I can see a laser beam at a given distance?

There appear to be many different specifications for beam pointing. What are these and what do they mean?

What does the M<sup>2</sup> specification for a laser mean?

What does the specification for polarization of a gas laser mean?

What are the modes in a gas laser and what do the various specifications mean?

What is the difference between a laser pointer and a laser diode module?

Are laser diodes polarized? And if they are polarized, what is the ratio?

Can applying more voltage increase the output power of a laser diode module?

Can a laser diode module be modulated?

How can I improve the lifetime of my laser diode module?

Bore Sighting

CDRH Laser Class

Coherent Light


Focusing Range

Gas Laser

IEC Laser Class

Kerr Cell

Longitudinal Mode Spacing

Modulation Bandwidth


Output Power

Pointing Accuracy

Solid State Laser

Spatial Mode

Static Alignment

Threshold Current

Warm-Up Time

Why Use a Flat Top Laser Beam?

Converting a Gaussian laser beam profile into a flat top beam profile can have numerous benefits including minimized wasted energy and increased feature accuracy.



There are several metrics used to describe the quality of a laser beam including the M2 factor, the beam parameter product, and power in the bucket



The length of a laser resonator determines the laser’s resonator modes, or the electric field distributions that cause a standing wave in the cavity.



Many challenges can arise when aligning a laser beam; knowing specific tips and tricks can help simplify the process. Learn more at Edmund Optics.


紫外レーザー – 光学テクノロジー最前線: エピソード 2

A new generation of compact, cost-effective ultraviolet (UV) lasers is allowing more applications to benefit from the increased precision of UV wavelengths.


Laser Beam Quality: Beam propagation and quality factors: A primer

Why does the polarization of a laser matter?

The polarization state of a laser source is important for many different applications.


Is there any means to automatically modulate (via a computer) the waist of a Gaussian beam emerging from a lens?

What is the best lens for focusing or collimating the output from a can-type laser diode?

Why is it necessary to collimate the laser diode before fiber-coupling?

I am using my laser to________, what goggles can you recommend for my application?

Can I see the laser when using safety goggles?

Can I purchase laser safety stickers from Edmund Optics?

I am trying to get a sample read out from a laser diode on an oscilloscope. I get a good pulse signal if I shine my keychain flashlight on the detector, but a very noisy signal from the diode itself. What could be causing the noise in this system?

Extinction Ratio

Fan Angle


Power Density

Pulse Duration


Fluorescence imaging systems are composed of three major components, an illumination source, a photo-activated fluorophore sample, and detector.


How to Align a Laser System

Join Chris Williams as he briefly explains the basics of how to align a laser system onto a target.


Beam Diameter

Beam Divergence

Beam Width


Gaussian Beam

Top Optics Trends of 2021 – TRENDING IN OPTICS: EPISODE 3

Several of the most interesting trends in optics and photonics of 2021 were the landing of the Perseverance Rover on Mars, Stemmed Mirrors, minimizing thermal lensing in ultrafast laser systems, and developments in ultraviolet lasers.


Development of a Robust Laser Damage Threshold Testbed

Development of US national laser damage standard: 2020 status


Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.



Do you need to integrate optical components into a laser system? Make sure you consider laser damage threshold before you do! Find out more at Edmund Optics.



Metrology is critical for ensuring that optical components consistently meet their desired specifications, especially in laser applications.


Laser Polarization: The Importance of Polarization in Laser Applications

Understanding the polarization of laser light is critical for many applications, as polarization impacts reflectance, focusing the beam, and other key behaviors.


Laser Optics Lab Trailer

The Laser Optics Lab video series discusses laser optics concepts including specifications, coating technologies, product types, and more


Introduction to Laser Optics Lab

The Laser Optics Lab video series discusses laser optics concepts including specifications, coating technologies, product types, and more


Laser Optics Lab:Back Reflections

Back reflections are created when some or part of your beam are reflected back to the source.


Laser Optics Lab: Coatings

Optical coatings are composed of thin-film layers used to enhance transmission or reflection properties within an optical system.


Laser Optics Lab:Specifications for Selecting a Laser

When determining which laser to use for your application, consider the following specifications: wavelength, coherence length, beam divergence, and Rayleigh range.


LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 3: Laser Damage Testing with Matthew Dabney

Join our discussion around laser damage testing in the third episode of our LIGHT TALKS series.


LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 4: Lasers & Optics with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith

Learn about trends in laser applications including increasing powers and decreasing pulse durations in this conversation with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith.


LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 8: Laser Magic! with Angi Compatangelo

From tattoo removal to diagnosing cancer, lasers can transform our lives in countless ways. Join our conversation about laser in skin care and diagnostics.


Resolving damage ambiguity and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) complications

The art and science of designing optics for laser-induced damage threshold

What makes laser optics different from normal optics?





Laser Damage Threshold

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