The short pulse durations of ultrafast lasers lead to broad wavelength bandwidths, making ultrafast systems especially susceptible to dispersion and pulse broadening.
Learn how Highly-Dispersive Mirrors compensate for dispersion and compress pulse duration in ultrafast laser systems, which is critical for maximizing performance.
How are ultra-thin filters different from standard optical filters? Discover the unique features and capabilties of ultra-thin filters at Edmund Optics.
Ultrafast highly-dispersive mirrors are critical for pulse compression and dispersion compensation in ultrafast laser applications, improving system performance.
Understanding the most common laser sources, modes of operation, and gain media provides the context for selecting the proper laser for your specific application.
Not all optical components are tested for laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) and testing methods differ, resulting in different types of LIDT specifications.
Dispersion is the dependence of the phase velocity or phase delay of light on another parameter, such as wavelength, propagation mode, or polarization.
Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.
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